This section contains information related to Dauair, flight code D5, a low-cost carrier original type.
"Dauair AG was founded by Hans-Jörg Dau in early 2005. Their strategy was established
'LCR – Low Cost Regional', new to the german-speaking parts of Europe. Where low-cost-airlines
cannot operate economical because of too big airplanes, or the casual airlines are too expensive
to enter the market, low cost regional sets its niche. A niche in capacity and fares. Take a small
economical turbo-prop-airplane and settle it with modest rates on a niche route, a mix that matches!
Dauair offers its frequent fliers a bonus program and special rates for business customers. There
even is the possibility to charter dauair-planes for individual flights. Reservation is possible
in a local travel agency or by internet."
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Dauair AG has been founded by Hans-Jorg Dau.
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Network 2005-09 | |||