
This section contains information related to JetX, flight code GX, a low-cost carrier regional type.

  • About
  • Statistics
  • Organisation
  • Network
  • About

    "Daily operations are conducted from the head office in Iceland which includes JetX Operations Department and JetX Operations Control Centre along with JetX Commercial Department and JetX Finance Department. Maintenance is sub-contracted to the Swedish companies SAS Technical Services and Airline Support under the supervision of JetX Technical Department. Line stations are set up at temporary bases during chartered flights. JetX Limited is an Icelandic airline operating under Icelandic JAR-OPS 1 Air Operator's Certificate no. IS-022 issued by the Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration on 5 May 2004. JetX operates under JAR-OPS 1 and EASA regulations as Iceland is a member state of the Joint Aviation Authorities, JAA."
    Click to view the
    company history in a new window.



    Note: JetX data is currently restricted.

    Av. seats 1.353
    Tot. seats 8.120
    Gini 0,34



    Click to open the original European Travel Market site in a new window, featuring more indepth information related to their organisation.

    Organisation chart
    Maersk Air A/S <- 100 Sterling European Airways (SEA) <- 100 Iceland Express
        JetX Limited /  



    Click to browse to the network development section of this site, featuring more more information on the network development of JetX.

    Network 2004-02
